I am a holistic practitioner and the founder of The H.N.J. Holistic Body Realignment Method, by foot pressure. I specialise in the treatments for scoliosis back pain, curvatures of the spine, sciatica, sacroiliac joint, neck pain, frozen shoulders, whiplash, knee pain and long standing injuries. These factors are the main contributors to body misalignment. With over 17 years of experience, treating and researching and helping many people with back pain- the most common disease sweeping the nation.
Accredited by I.P.H.M. International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine. Validated and Insured by I.P.T.I. Independent Professional International. All workshops and courses are recognised internationally.
My qualifications:
I.T.E.C. Degree A & P level 3 in Holistic Massage, Post Graduate in Chavutti Tirumal, City & Guilds level 3 P.T.L.L.S.& St John’s Ambulance.
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